20 Celebrities with bad plastic surgery ...

Author: Clifford Labels::

20 Celebrities with Bad Plastic Surgery…
Aghast at the photo?! For those of you who don’t know, this is Jocelyn Wildenstein aka The real Catwoman, a wealthy socialite who has reportedly spent $4 million on plastic surgery over the years to win back her estranged husband. A true testimony to someone who didn’t know when to stop. Perhaps a warning to the 20 celebrities on our list?

1. Christina Aguilera

Christina’s nose looks way smaller in the photo on the right and although you can’t see it in this picture, she’s also rumored to have had a boob job done. She’s already starting to look a little fake and I hope that’s all the “work” she’s gonna get done.

2. Paris Hilton

Paris looks like the victim of bad rhinoplasty. Can she even breathe through that nose? And don’t even get me started about the boobs. And then she has the audacity to rant on about how she’s against plastic surgery…Ahem…

3. Britanny Murphy

She is such a pretty girl naturally and I really want to know why she would want to do that to her lips. Makes her look like a duck doesn’t it?

4. Sarah Jessica Parker

The world is still speculating about Sarah’s boob job and honestly, it could very well have been the wonder of a wonderbra. Well…guilty unless proven otherwise right?

5. Michelle Pfeiffer

No one in their 50′s can have that flawless a skin….No one! There has to be some sign of ageing! And while her nose job is pretty evident, I’m sure she’s altered more than just that.

6. Barry Manilow

Proof of what three facelifts and plenty of botox can do to a seemingly normal face! It’s too bad that his l

7. Kenny Rogers

Another celebrity…another horrible facelift. Atleast Kenny Rogers agrees with us.

8. Daryl Hannah

The media continues to speculate whether Daryl Hannah’s had work done. But when you start looking like a tranny, there’s little doubt about it…

9. Dolly Parton

Honestly, I don’t think even Dolly knows how many plastic surgeries she’s had over the years. And while she’s starting to look a little..umm…unnatural, I love her for the conviction with which she defends her need to look good for her fans with plastic surgery!

10. Pamela Anderson

I will never understand the need to pump up your boobs to the size of giant watermelons! Ugly and fake!

11. Victoria Beckham

Speaking of fake, here’s Victoria Beckham with her pair of “in your face” strange boobs. And while stories of her nose job continue to float around, I can only wonder what about her is natural if anything.

12. Tara Reid

Looks like everything went wrong for Tara Reid right from her boob job to the liposuction to her wardrobe malfunction to her career. Honestly, I feel a wee bit bad for her. She used to be really hot at some point and something tells me she would have done great if she hadn’t messed up….

20 Celebrities with Bad Plastic Surgery…

13. Fergie

No way! The woman on the left is the same woman on the right??? I can’t believe Fergie was actually pretty at some point. All I can say is….Tranny alert!!!

14. Nikki Cox

Bah! It’s the same old story. Pretty girl gets insecure. Pretty girl injects restylane into her lips. And viola pretty girl turns into half alien half duck!

15. Janice Dickinson

It never ceases to amuse me how someone who looks like THAT can make fun of perfectly normal, beautiful girls on ANTM. Ofcourse she was gorgeous at some point but all her attempts at trying to chase her youth have left her looking deranged and ugly!

16. Priscilla Presley

I cannot believe Priscilla could do this to herself. I mean she was stunning to say the very least and now….It’s sad really. And I don’t care about how she fell in the hands of a phony doctor. It can’t be that hard for someone with all this money to find the right plastic surgeon can it?

17. Melanie Griffith

Another victim of plastic surgery who makes me go speechless. I wish people would just stop trying to fight the signs of ageing. Makes me wonder what she would have looked like had she aged naturally…

18. Donatella Versace

I read somewhere how Donatella’s starting to look like a caricature of her former self thanks to all the surgeries she’s got done over the years and I can’t help but think how freaking true that is! I mean, look at the picture!

19. Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson, who at some point used to be a lovely woman is now a man?! I mean seriously what kind of surgery was that! She should sue her plastic surgeon!

20. Michael Jackson

No list of bad plastic surgeries is complete without Michael Jackson. And I have nothing to say that hasn’t already been said. It amazes me how someone could put themselves through that and it amazes me even more how his surgeons agreed to put him through that…
Let me clarify that I am by no means against plastic surgery. It is your body afterall and if you feel the need to fix something, you have the right to go on and do it. But there is a point when enough is enough and people need to stop.


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